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Stupid Iskcon Feminist Takes Shelter of Man When Called Stupid!

i wrote

Manikar Das Brahmachari More of her stupid feminist comments are here on this gay discuss post
All Homosex ppl of iskcon have patted each other in the back on this post.
Have a look 


Alex A. George-Arjuna Dasa
So it appears that LGTB has now grown to LGTBQUIA and will probably continue to grow as more and more sexual orientations and gender preference choices increase...
See more

Niscala Devi Dasi First you let your friends call me stupid, then you insist I don't even know what I wrote yesterday?

18 hrs

Niscala Devi Dasi Guruttama Das, is it OK with you for your "friends" to be so nasty to me? If not, don't tag me in ANY discussion, ever. If so, let me know and I will unfriend you. This is not friendly or conducive KC association.

18 hrsEdited
See post here https://www.facebook.com/guruttama.das/posts/10209915432103086?comment_id=10209915598387243&reply_comment_id=10209921514535143&notif_t=feed_comment_reply&notif_id=1503377856410107

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