How to train your dragon prostitute....
Indeed, "spectacular! A must do"
Recently I was at a center in Canada and I came out of the main temple hall after the lecture
and saw there was a stall promoting this on the Sunday programme, taking donations from
the people attending and I saw the brochure which was meant for eliciting donations and I
took exception with that. I had a bit of an argument with person who was promoting that
programme because the brochure had the heading was “I am powerful” and this was the
message that Susmita Sena who is a Bollywood actress, which if we are to speak frankly and
in the language that Prabhupada used, which is not at all appreciated with in ISKCON today
but she is just a prostitute, to put it straight forward. So she had come to the school and her
message to the children, to the girls especially was that, “You should think I am powerful, I
can change the world, you get an education and you can change the world.” It’s totally
mundane feminism and as I told this person, devotee or whatever, who is collecting for that,
“This is not Bhagavad Gita philosophy. This is Hiranyakasipu philosophy I am powerful. I
can change the world” So he said, “Well you have to see, they are making them devotees.”
But what devotees with this kind of attitude? The devotee doesn’t think, “I am powerful, I can
change the world.” This is like I say Hiranyakasipu’s philosophy, kartaham, I am the doer.
So this is … I am just giving an actual example of how in the name of distributing prasada
and then he started of with distributing prasad to the poor people then he got into other
kinds of welfare work and this is willingly promoted with in our society as something very
Indeed, "spectacular! A must do"
What BVKS had to say about this
Recently I was at a center in Canada and I came out of the main temple hall after the lecture
and saw there was a stall promoting this on the Sunday programme, taking donations from
the people attending and I saw the brochure which was meant for eliciting donations and I
took exception with that. I had a bit of an argument with person who was promoting that
programme because the brochure had the heading was “I am powerful” and this was the
message that Susmita Sena who is a Bollywood actress, which if we are to speak frankly and
in the language that Prabhupada used, which is not at all appreciated with in ISKCON today
but she is just a prostitute, to put it straight forward. So she had come to the school and her
message to the children, to the girls especially was that, “You should think I am powerful, I
can change the world, you get an education and you can change the world.” It’s totally
mundane feminism and as I told this person, devotee or whatever, who is collecting for that,
“This is not Bhagavad Gita philosophy. This is Hiranyakasipu philosophy I am powerful. I
can change the world” So he said, “Well you have to see, they are making them devotees.”
But what devotees with this kind of attitude? The devotee doesn’t think, “I am powerful, I can
change the world.” This is like I say Hiranyakasipu’s philosophy, kartaham, I am the doer.
So this is … I am just giving an actual example of how in the name of distributing prasada
and then he started of with distributing prasad to the poor people then he got into other
kinds of welfare work and this is willingly promoted with in our society as something very
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